Thursday, December 22, 2011


I need new hobbies. My brother builds kick A bikes, my mom can knit anything out of anything, Obama is president, and I play on Facebook and Youtube all day. I need a hobby. Feel free to leave a comment about what my new hobby should be because I value my followers.

P.S. Word on the street is the Darren Curtis is still trying to find and destroy my last Horcrux....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.......good luck to any who accepted such futile quest. I put that baby where not even I, the all powerful Lord Shredstemort can go. Guarded my a monster that will tear your soul out faster than a dementor, who will paralyze you faster than a basilisk, who will creep you out faster than Moaning Myrtle.

P.P.S. My last an final horcrux is not really a baby. It was just a figure of speech. Not that I would be opposed to it, but it just didn't work out to well for Tommy Riddler.

Oh and happy winter solstice      


  1. Shred, blogging is a great hobby! Keep posting. I will follow you.

  2. i think your new hobby should be making musics for us to enjoy like old timez... duh that was easy

  3. Nice, but I know where your horcrux is! Ha Ha!
    Your hobby should be hanging out with me! :D
