Thursday, January 26, 2012

Sometimes you just don't know...

Many of you may not know this about me but I am EXTREMELY addicted to soda. I buy one every morning, I buy one to go with my lunch, and at least once or twice throughout the rest of the day.....its bad.  With said addiction I am often compelled to visit the local neighborhood gas station. Now, some people may think that ANY gas station will do as long as it has soda. FALSE. Here are the minimum requirements if they want my business.
1 Crisp soda. If it is ever even a little flat, we're done....forever.
2 Buy 10 get one free rewards cards. If I don't get a free soda every four days, we're done.
3 Good staff. If someone nonchalantly sells me a soda by giving me my total and my change and that is it, we're done.
4 Good selection of things besides soda. I am trying not to eat so much junk food (failing), but if I don't even have anything to look at they even seems a little tempting, we're done.
That is all
So needless to say after several probationary periods I have settled on the select gas stations that I go to depending on what area I am in. My favorite one is the chevron down the street. The staff is really nice, always gives us free soda stamps, etc. There is one guy that works there that is the coolest and we were pretty sure he was in a rock band (tattoos, cool hair, black clothes, and so forth). Turns out he is actually going to Paul Mitchel School of Beauty but we still think he is hardcore!

Kinda reminds me of this
So in other words, super bitchin awesome. Thank you.

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